Episode #2
Welcome Back to the Peace4Kids + ROCMove Podcast 🥳
Miriam and Noah are back in time for National Mentoring Month to demystify mentoring x foster care: what is mentoring? How do young people manage the road to independence? What might it mean to mentor a young person in foster care?
What does it mean to be "At-Risk"?
This episode digs into formal and informal definitions of mentoring; hear from the community directly to gain multiple insights into how culture, psychology, and policy shape how society understands independence after foster care.
Stream Podcast
Season Two Episode Two is live and available now on Anchor FM / Spotify.
Join the Conversation
We genuinely want to hear from you! This platform is all about community and learning. We don’t know it all, and that’s the beauty of setting a big table: pull up! If there is something you’d like to share or discuss with us that intersects with foster care, please reach out to us.
Works Referenced
- California Department of Education — Foster Care & California Schools URL: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sg/fosteryouth.asp
- Golden, N. A. (2017). “There’s still that window that’s open”: The problem with “grit.” Urban Education, 52(3): 343–369. URL: https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1066&context=education_articles
- Pennington CR, Heim D, Levy AR, Larkin DT. (2016) “Twenty Years of Stereotype Threat Research: A Review of Psychological Mediators.” PLoS One. URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4713435/
- Samuels, G. M. & Pryce, J. M. (2008). “What Doesn't Kill You Makes Your Stronger”: Survivalist self-reliance as resilience and risk among young adults aging out of foster care. Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 30, Issue 10, Pages 1198-1210. URL: [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Julia-Pryce/publication/223052115_What_doesn't_kill_you_makes_you_stronger_Survivalist_self-reliance_as_resilience_and_risk_among_young_adults_aging_out_of_foster_care/links/5a395836a6fdcc3527bc226e/What-doesnt-kill-you-makes-you-stronger-Survivalist-self-reliance-as-resilience-and-risk-among-young-adults-aging-out-of-foster-care.pdf]